Monday, November 01, 2004

Shaq da Vote

Y'all heard about this election that's supposed to happen tomorrow? I can't wait to get my vote on! I just re-registered in Florida. The good news is that Florida (unlike Cali) is a swing state, so now my vote will actually count. The bad news is that I'm black.

I still don't know for whom to vote. Hopefully some new scandal will break tonight and sway me one way or the other. I guess it's all for naught, anyway, since Osama bin Badness conspired with the NFL to let the Green Bay Packers beat the Washington Redskins yesterday, thereby ensuring that Kerry will win. What does y'all think? Who finnuh win this bitch? Maybe I'll write-in a vote for myself. No matter who wins, we'll need a new Secretary of Defense since that boy Ronald Dumbsfeld is incompetent. He couldn't even defend the low post against Mugsy Bogues. So George or Kerry, if y'all is reading this, feel free to consider me. If some terrist come up in this with an improvised explosive device, I'ma block that shit back to Falluja. Career average of 2.6 blocks per game, bay-bee!!!

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