As starting center for the 2004-2005 Miami Heat, I take full responsibility for today's travesty. My bad. Mon mal. Earlier I may have stated that I was undecided, but while at the polls I firmly made up my mind for John Kerry. I don't know why I didn't see it earlier. Preznit Dubya had all kinds of problems. Fighting terrorisms by pursuing a strategy that would inevitably create countless more terrists. Squandering what international goodwill we received after nine eleven. Doing away with due process and turning America/Guantanamo into a de facto holding cell for brown-skinned people as well as suspected brown-skinned people. Nuturing an unholy alliance between neocons and Evangelicals (one side wants to turn all Palestinians out of Israel so Israel can slip further into a theocratic apartheid state; the other wants to turn all Palestinians out of Israel so Israel can slip further into a theocratic apartheid state so God can come and kill all the Jews and lift the good believers up to Heaven). Filling seemingly every major appointed position with right-wing crazies who eschew reality, science, and critical thought in favor of their intractable crackpot ideologies. Implementing the beginning stages of a fundamental shift of the nation's tax burden from capital onto labor. Running a campaign designed to exploit the public's fears rather than appeal to their hopes. Believing that a variety of the nation's most pressing problems, from pollution to health care to education, could be solved by the magical, eternally beneficial effects of unfettered capitalism. Using doublespeak to couch his radical, elitist, corporate proposals in more palatable populist terms, ie "Help America Vote Act", "Clear Skies Act", "Operation Iraqi Freedom", "Ownership Society", "Operation Slavery was Wrong", etc, etc, etc. Being hookwinked by one of modern history's most notorious liars/frauds, Ahmed Chalabi. Having a 'the ends justify the means' mentality that treated torture of prisoners with appaling nonchalance, fostering the atrocity/frat hijinks at Abu Ga--ga--Abu Ga...reff. Offering, at last count, 20 bajillion different rationales for dragging the U.S. into a war, none of which really panned out. Then carrying out said war in a mind-numbingly ad hoc manner. Then refusing to adjust aforementioned poor planning, 'cause obstinance shows how big our penises are. Having a refusal to admit mistakes that borders on pathological. Declining to take seriously, therefore never learning from, other people's criticism. Hating fags. Constantly chipping away at the Constitution, especially the Constitutionally provided wall between church and state. Never forgetting Poland, but apparently forgetting all about Osama bin Laden ( better get reacquainted with him...I heard he won a Senate seat from Illinois). Raising twin daughters, both of whom refuse to have sex with me...Yeah, well, obviously I could go on for a while. The scary part: that's just the first four years. Who knows what the future will hold (*sob*). And if we impeach him, Cheney's prez, then Hastert. Not much to look forward to.
I changed my mind, Coach Stan. Trade me to the Raptors!
Seriously, what the fuck?! This shit was rigged. It had to be? I gotta move to Canada. Too many of the voting people in this country have, instead of the soft gray matter of their brains, human feces. The worst example of this is Bush himself. Fuck him. Fuck Karl Rove. I hate not winning 2004 elections. Clinton '08!
Finally, an athlete with balls to say whats on his mind. Too bad there weren't more before Nov. 2 to speak their mind. Celebrities endorsing presidents is allright but voters look up to athletes more than celebrities. Shaq, maybe you can run for governor of Florida and take out Jeb Bush and outmuscle Arnold. Then after a couple of successful years in Florida (besides delivering Florida to democrats), you could run for President and make Arnold jealous!(too bad he wasn't born here, hehe)
Finally, an athlete with balls to say whats on his mind. Too bad there weren't more before Nov. 2 to speak their mind. Celebrities endorsing presidents is allright but voters look up to athletes more than celebrities. Shaq, maybe you can run for governor of Florida and take out Jeb Bush and outmuscle Arnold. Then after a couple of successful years in Florida (besides delivering Florida to democrats), you could run for President and make Arnold jealous!(too bad he wasn't born here, hehe)
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