Saturday, February 05, 2005

The bomb that will bring us together

Interesting couple of days-- figured maybe I should let all my fans know what I've had to deal with during my recent road trip to DC (you know, 'cause we were playing the Wizards). Anyway, in the past two days, I have engaged in two separate heated arguments in which I've had to make a case against 1) invading Iran and 2) nuking the entire Islamic world into oblivion. Apparently the first dude's logic was that Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. killed upwards of 100 million people, so we must invade Iran. 'Cause you never know. To bolster his argument, he pointed to the fact that our invasion of Iraq is going so swimmingly. Furthermore, those swarthy Iranians can't possibly be up to any good, seeing as how they lack the capacity for decency. Curiosly he threw the words "freedom", "democracy", and "human rights" around a bunch of times, but I don't think he knew what they meant. Which is to say that he probably had been reading from the George W. dictionary.

As for the second argument... that shit freaked me out and I still can't make sense of it. Seriously, is there any reason for nuking the Islamic world that has even a shard of logic to it? First of all, what is "the Islamic world"? Where is it? Who inhabits it? Is there a distinction to be made amongst the various kinds/degrees of Islam? Or is Islam a monolithic culture/religion (this guy seemed to think that the phrase "radical Islam" was redundant... I bet he'd never even met a Muslim his entire life). If we take any action against "the Islamic world", exactly what would that be a response to? 9/11? Future 9/11s? Is it just me, or are certain Americans the most pathetic bunch of solipsistic paranoid crybabies conceivable? So 3,000 people die at the hands of a few fanatics, and the proper retribution is the annihilation of an entire culture? Gee, that's swell. I thought we were over collective punishment, but I guess I'm just naive. I gotta go now, there are a bunch of people who may or may not attack/be mean to me in the future, so I should probably pre-emptively stab them. 'Cause you never know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wulzup its da $haft, man you sure you didnt talk to ya boy george himself? Seems like thats whats going thru his tiny brain. I love meeting people like that in Nawlins cuz i love pitying them, especially since there are so many of em here, fucking dumbasses. Anyways Im one bad muthafucker, peace out wodi.