Oh man y’all heard of this thing known as the March Madness?? TIGERS BAYBEE!!! AWWW JEEEEAAAHHH FINAL FOUR CAN YOU DIG IT!>!>!>!>!>! Man that shit is crazy. I am so happy for my alma mater, especially since we never did that well in the NCAA tourney when I was on the team. I remember when I was playing for LSShoe we had a lot of talent but of course we never came close to making the Final Four on account we had a tareist on our team by the name of Mahmoud Abdul-Roaf (his brother Willie Abdul-Roaf infilitrated the ranks of professional sports as an offensive lineman for the New Orleans Saints). Man that dude was a Muslamicist who never stood for the National Anthem, which is like one of the best Radiohead songs ever. I bet that fool wouldn't even stand for Lewis, Mistreated. HOW YOU GOAN REACH THE FINAL FOUR WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN JESUS??!?!?But anyway, I hope y’all’s brackets is going better than mine. I had Bucknell, Hofstra, Winthrop, and LSU in the Final Four. No one bothered to tell me that Hofstra didn’t even make the tournament. So I'm only one for four. But man yall seen how this year LSU got that dude Baby Shaq on their team? I don't remember having any illegimitate childern who are that old, but whatever, I'll take it. That dude can ball. I think whatever happens in the Final Four, he should declare for the NBA draft next year. Just watch yall, next year we'll be the best father/son combination in the NBA since Rasheed and Ben Wallace. Aww skeet skeet gosh darn.
I may have to disown you for this...
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