Saturday, March 11, 2006

Pennyroyal Tea

Say y'all heard of South Dakota banning pretty much all abortions? The South is backwards, yo. They ain't even gonna allow aboritons in the case of rape or incest. You gotta feel for all the South Dakotanese women. It makes you wonder who could be behind the passage of such a stupid bill. I suspect that this is all just a ploy to prop up the struggling coat hanger industry. For whatever reason, coat hanger use has declined ever since the early 1970s. Ad execs in the coat hanger industry have always been desperate to find new and creative uses for coat hangers, and this bill is sure to facilitate just that. Now that the South Dakota state legislature has become the first to succumb to the lobbying efforts of Big Hanger, who do y'all think will be next? I'm just glad that I don't play ball in South Dakota. Aww skeet skeet god damn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Shaq,

Just saw your ad duet with Mia Hamm, great acting job. How do you feel about your alumni going to the final four, and why didn't you win them a championship in your days?
