Thursday, November 03, 2005

Eid Mubarak you all

Yo y'all heard of this tareistic holiday known as Eid? Man them Islams is celebrating that day today. Apparently the Mozzlems haven't been able to eat anything at all for an entire month but tomorrow they can finally partake of non-pork related foodstuff activities. Personally, I am a bit nervous. Imagine how hungry and pissed you'd be if you hadn't eaten in a month. Now take that and multiply it by two, since them A-rabs is twice as prone to tareistic behaviours than other races of people. Now take that number and square that shit, since it was Arabs what invented the algerba. And finally you have an absurdly large number which accurately reflects the threat to our freedoms posed by the Mohammedans. I just hope that Homeland Securities and the FBI continue to be vigilant like this incident where they detained and questioned 5 Islamics for praying during halftime of the Saints/Giants game. I'm sorry, but what's the big problem with this? If you don't want to get detained, questioned, and smeared with menstrual blood at a football game, then stop fucking praying to Allah for the Saints to lose. Sheeeit.

Man one of the other things that's been on the news is this so called hunger strike them tareists had at Gautamanamo Bay. Whatever dude, they was just fasting like good Moslems is supposed to do but the liberous media distorted the truth. The enemy combatants weren't protesting shit. They love it there. They were just thankful that the American troops was letting them practice their religion and its Five Pillars such as fasting, praying, and having electrodes placed on your genitals.


Anonymous said...
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SirFatty said...

I think the the headline should've read, "FBI: Muslims detained at stadium "weren't" profiled" That way, you can see the sarcasm. Otherwise, how are you supposed to know that CNN is sarcastically making fun of blatant profiling.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Shaquille said...


Anonymous said...

hey, what sort of comments were people writing that it got removed? great stuff btw. im reading it all! it makes me so happy to see how much stuff youve got for me to read at work :) loveange