Man y’all heard of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim??? Fuck them. They used to be the Anaheim Angels and that made sense, but then they had to go and change their name. “Los Angeles Angels”??? What the fuck is that? That is the most retarded, redundant bullshit I’ve ever heard of. I’m amazed that they haven't realized how fucking idiotic their name sounds. It's like having a franchise named the St. Louis Louises. Or worse yet, the St. Louis Lewises. Or worst ever, the Washington Texans of Anaheim (who play all their home games in Puerto Rico). Maybe the White Socks should change their name to match the stupidity of the Angels. They can be the Chicago Chicagos of Chicagoland including northwest Indiana.
But anyway, man y’all seen that game the other night? That shit was some kind of entertaining. Man I couldn’t tell if Pope Josh Paul caught that ball or not, this picture makes it seem like he didn’t. It don’t even matter, long as the White Socks win.
Yo Shaq,
I got three words, FUCK THE ALAMO!!
Yeah man, Forget the Alamo.
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