Monday, December 23, 2013

Do they care it's Christmas?

Say y’all heard of this jolly bearded dude named Santa Claus?  Megyn Kelly over at Fox News has caused all kinds of creatures to stir by insisting that Santa Claus is white.  I think maybe she got Santa confused with Frosty the Snowman.  Everyone knows that Santa Claus is just a metaphor for the year-end orgy of commerce and consumption facilitated by global capitalism.  Whether that makes Santa white or black, American or other, no one can really say.  But one thing's for sure: the elves are Chinese.  

Can't we compromise with Obgyn Kelly and just say that Santa Claus is half white and half black, like Obama?  Oh wait.  I can see how that might be a problem to certain someones.  Back to the white board, I mean the blackboard, I mean the drawing board. 

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