Friday, July 23, 2010

Race: the final frontier

Oh man y'all heard of this thing called racism? Man that shit has been on the news 24/7 up in this country named America. The NAACP accused the Tea Party of being racist, which then prompted the Tea Party to accuse the NWA--whoops I mean NAACP of reverse racism which then prompted the White House to fire a black female USDA worker on the grounds of double super inverse racism which then prompted the NAACP to apologize when it turned out aforementioned USDA worker wasn't actually racist which then prompted all of right-wing talk radio to attempt a triple Axel reverse racism toe loop by accusing the White House of rushing to judgment which then prompted me to pretty much want to leave this shithole country and never come back.

The Tea Party is standing steadfast in its idiotic assertion that all racism is equal and that context doesn't matter. Thus, one black woman initially refusing to help one white farmer is morally equivalent to millions of white farmers enslaving millions of black people for hundreds of years. In Rwanda, Hutus killed one million Tutsis but it's all good now because on March 21, 2007 a Tutsi mother of three stubbed her toe on a chair shoddily constructed by Hutu carpenters. Also, The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama's famous manifesto on how to reclaim the American Dream, is totally racist because it was written by a black man so therefore the Tea Party's rebuttal The Audacity of Rope, an examination into the merits of lynching, is its moral equal. And here I thought conservatives were against moral relativism.

Why is February Protocol Droid History Month? How come Jawas don't get their own month?

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