Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Let them Ute cake

Damn y’all heard of this meal called lunch?  Back in my day kids used to eat that shit on the daily, but turns out that the compassionate conservatives in Utah have figured out a way to streamline the nutrition delivery system so that poor kids don’t have to eat lunch anymore!  It’s pretty awesome.  If your parents haven’t fully kept up their payments to your school lunch account, then you get to have your slop ladled onto your lunchtray, followed by a moment or so of anticipatory salivation, only to have the tray suddenly snatched out of your hands and thrown into the trash.  I’m not sure if the whole routine is punctuated by a school official pointing and loudly taunting the child, you know, something along the lines of “OH DAMN S.N.A.P. (is how your parents should have paid for your lunch)!” or “YOU JUST (didn’t) GOT SERVED SON” but if not then they should get on that post-haste.  Starving little kids is a good start to raising the next generation to be compliant wage slaves, but having them get used to being mercilessly bullied by authority figures will greatly help accelerate the process.  

Tom Perkins tried to warn people about the impending anti-rich people Cristalnacht but nobody answered the door.  Libruls led by Maobama have already made rich people wear Rolexes as an identifying marker (this generation’s version of the Star of David) so it’s only fair that to even the scales Utah starts some kind of Hitler Ute to make it easier to identify poor children.   

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