Aw damn yo y’all heard of this dude Chris Crispie? He’s the rotund governor of this place called New
Jersey and the presumptive favorite to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2016. Or at least he was the early favorite, until this Bridgegate scandal broke a few days ago. When Chris Christie sits around the George Washington Bridge, he really sits AROUND the George Washington Bridge. Also when he closes three lanes on the George Washington Bride because of a petty quarrel with a political enemy, he really closes three lanes on the George Washington Bridge because of a petty quarrel with a political enemy. Mark Sokolich may be the mayor of Fort Lee but Chris Christie is the governor of portly. OOH BURN. Fat jokes are witty and mature which is why I am making a bunch of them. With Chris Christie at the helm, even a unicycle is a high occupancy vehicle. TRENTON ISN'T JUST THE CAPITAL OF NEW JERSEY, IT'S ALSO HOW MUCH CHRIS CHRISTIE WEIGHS. WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT CHRIS CHRISTIE LIKELY HAS A BMI HIGHER THAN THAT OF THE AVERAGE HUMAN.
Bridgegate is the worst thing Christie's done since that time he worked with President Obama to help his constituents recover from Hurricane Sandy. I say we should have just let the free market take care of things. I mean, HELLO, if you can't deal with the destruction that inevitably comes along in the wake of a hurricane, THEN HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T LIVE IN NEW JERSEY, EINSTEIN???!!!? (no offense to actual Einstein, who did live in New Jersey for the latter part of his life). This is just common sense, people. You don't want to reward that kind of bad decision making. But of course President Maobama and Comrade Christie had to go and give New Jerseyans a literal bail out. Between Bridgegate and HelpingpeopleputtheirlivesbacktogetherafteradevastatingactofGodgate, I'm beginning to regret having my picture taken with him last year.
I hope this picture doesn't wind up being as infamous as the one of Ronald Dumsfeld and Saddam Hussein from the 80s. |
Speaking of new jerseys
I hope that shit the Bulls wore on Christmas doesn’t catch on. Peace, I’m out like McGreevy.