Sure, Kobe and I feuded a little bit in those days, but the situation was never as bad as the media portrayed it to be. I never viewed him as much of a threat because I was just so much cooler than he was. I have like 47 awesome nicknames. Shaqtus, Big Aristotle, Shaq Diesel, Black Leonardo, Shaq Morris, Shaqtion Jackson, Shaq-Fu, Shaq the Ripper, Henrietta Shaqs, Big Shamrock, Love Shaqtually, etcetcetc. Does Kobe even have one? The Black Mamba? Please. Kobe wishes he were black.
At this point you may be wondering why I am even bringing up Kobe. Well, it's because he's in the news again. Turns out that in addition to being a ball-hogging sex offender, he's also a homophobe. On Wednesday the NBA fined him $100K for directing an anti-gay slur at a referee after the referee had given him a technical foul. In Kobe's defense, a few years ago the NBA changed its rules to favor offense by prohibiting certain defensive techniques such as hand checking and rape, and Kobe, who was formerly known as an elite defender, has had difficulty adjusting. I'm not sure if the referee was justified in T'ing Kobe up, but questionable technical fouls happen all the time. Kobe definitely overreacted by calling the ref a "fucking faggot". (Pardon the language, but accurate reportage demands it. To the more easily offended members of my readership, read that last phrase as "dagning taggart") The NBA prides itself on its enlightened gay-friendly attitude, boasting many gay icons from John Amaechi to... umm... I'm pretty sure Isiah Thomas and Magic Johnson kissed that one time. That counts, right?

Simpler times
Anyway, the point is that Kobe's bigoted slur is unacceptable in today's NBA. We as a society should encourage our gay youth to follow their dreams no matter where that may lead them. Even if it leads them to become NBA referees. Corrupt, incompetent, out-of-shape, subtly racist NBA referees. A generation of bright-eyed gay youth enthusiastically following in the footsteps of Tim Donaghy, Dick Bavetta, Joey Crawford, and Bennett Salvatore... Wait. On second thought, Kobe, use all the anti-gay slurs you want. Cocksucker is a good one, for example. Fucking flamer is too, as it has KKK-esque connotations of using fire as a weapon. Gay-ass gayboy is a pretty good one too because it has the word gay right there in it like two times. Nancy boy isn't so good, since people will probably just think you're referring to the nickname of Larry Nance, who was one of the Cleveland Cavaliers' biggest stars in the late 80s and early 90s. The important thing is to make it crystal clear that gays are not welcome in the ranks of NBA referees. Please Kobe, it's up to you to lead the way. I know we've had our differences, you and I, but I'm not asking you to do this for me. Do it for that kindergartener in Topeka who would rather play with dolls than fire engines. Do it for that 11 year-old in Des Moines who combs his hair and brushes his teeth without being asked to. Do it for those transgendered toddlers in that J. Crew catalog. Do it for half the cast of Glee. Do it for all the gay children across America who deserve a better fate than growing up to be NBA referees.