This is the personal blog of Shaquille O'Neal. All opinions expressed herein are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NBA. Excuse my French everybody in America
Damn y'all heard of this thing called representative democracy??? That's the type of gubmint what we have here in the U.S. of A. This past week the Democrates done had their convention in Denver. My boy Barack H. Obama made himself one hell of a speech last night. Up in Chicago, where I spend my offseasons, O-Bomb's speech was the talk of the town. His inspirational life story is proof that a Harvard Law graduate can grow up to be a viable Presidential candidate, no matter how half-black he may be. I think I'ma vote for tha O-Bomb solely because he likes basketball and I've heard from various inside sources that if elected, he'll give me an important job at the Department of the Interior as Secretary of the Paint. But shit, Obama's got his work cut out for him since that old Republicanese dude John McCain be running neck and neck with him in the polls. Plus McCain managed to defuse some of the momentum Obama gained from his speech last night by finally announcing his running mate today. And what a surprise it was. I don't even know who Sarah Palin is. All I know is that she's a woman and she's from Alaska (which I didn't even know was a state until today. Apparently it's really big too). That's some crazy shit, having a Presidential candidate from Hawai'i and a VP candidate from Alaska. Man whatever happened to good old continental American values such as coterminosity and contiguousness? Anyways, the McCain-Palin ticket is sure to go over well with animated residents of Arlen, Texas.